Through the beauty of the nature that hosts us and the connection with it, the food, the products of our land, the arts and ancient disciplines, music as the soundtrack of every moment of the day, we create a moment to get closer to ourselves and others.

Taking time for yourself is necessary for your soul and for your truth to emerge. Breathe, let go of what you don't need, and reconnect with your true nature.

11th, 12th, 13th of October 2024 - HEARING - VISHUDDA    —    
11th, 12th, 13th of October 2024 - HEARING - VISHUDDA    —    
11th, 12th, 13th of October 2024 - HEARING - VISHUDDA    —    
11th, 12th, 13th of October 2024 - HEARING - VISHUDDA    —    
11th, 12th, 13th of October 2024

HEARING - Vishudda

The sense of HEARING is intimately connected to the fifth chakra, Vishudda, known as the chakra of intuition. Hearing brings us back to the here and now, to the present moment.
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LIMBO Retreats takes place on the estate of Il Ciocco, a natural area of over 600 hectares where there is a scattered hotel with various types of accommodation, two restaurants, a sports village, and 42 kilometers of hiking and cycling trails that cross woods and plateaus.
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A scattered hotel with centralized services (reception, restaurant, sports facilities) stretching along the ridge of a hill in the heart of Garfagnana in Tuscany. The 3 hotels of Ciocco Hotels, each with its own identity, offer a total of 56 rooms Superior.
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